The last update to our Comment Policy was posted on January 01, 2024.
On, comments are welcomed and encouraged, but there are some things that are not allowed and there are times when comments will be edited or deleted. All comments are subject to these terms of use and any commenter in violation of this policy may be banned at my discretion.
All commenters are to be respectful. There can be open discussion and disagreement in comments, but rude or personally attacking comments will be deleted. Use of profanity in comments will not be tolerated.
Comments that don’t contribute to the conversation, are obviously spam, promotional in nature, or intended for back-link purposes will be deleted and the author banned from future commenting ability.
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The following applies to all comments posted on
· All Rights Reserved: I reserve the right to edit, delete, move, or mark as spam any and all comments. I also reserve the right to block access via IP address to anyone or group from commenting, subscribing to, and from accessing for violation of this comment policy.
· Links: Comments containing links are automatically held in moderation. Links that contribute to the conversation and are relevant to the blog post topic will be allowed, but links that are blatantly self promotional without genuinely contributing to the conversation will be marked as spam and the comment will be immediately deleted. Comments that are an obvious attempt to gain backlinks, brand exposure, or increased site traffic will be deleted and the commenter will be blocked from further blog comment interaction.
· Copyright/Plagiarism: If notice is received that a comment contains proprietary, copyrighted or plagiarized information, the offending comment will be deleted and the commenter may be blocked from further commenting.
· Privacy:An authentic, verified, email address is required for commenting and comment subscriptions. Personal email addresses are never published on the blog nor shared with any 3rd party. An email address may be used by the blog owner (me) to privately contact the commenter. Comments containing email addresses, physical mail addresses, phone numbers, and any private or personal information in the message body will be edited or deleted to protect the privacy of the affected party. To prevent such editing or deletion, never share private information within blog comments.
· Respect: Comments which include offensive or inappropriate language, or considered by the blog owner (me) to be rude and offensive, will be deleted and the commenter banned from future use. No personal attacks are permitted in this blog’s comments. You may question or argue the content, but not attack the post author, nor any other commenter. Failure to respect fellow participants on this blog will result in removal and blocked access.
· Relevance: Please keep all comments on topic and relevant to the post being read. If you leave a comment or question on the post that is unrelated to the post topic, it will likely go unanswered. If you have a question about a specific topic, please search for it using the provided search box in the blog sidebar. Or you can suggest a topic for a future blog post using the contact form.
· Spam:Any comment deemed as spam will be deleted and marked as comment spam. Commenters who repeatedly post spam will be blacklisted from commenting in the future, and their IP address blocked from accessing
· Liability:All comments within this blog are the responsibility of the individual commenter. By submitting a comment on this blog, you agree that the comment content is your own, and to hold this site,, and all post authors and commenters harmless.
· Gravatar: For easiest commenting, please consider signing up for a Gravatar (you can do that by clicking here). This will allow your comment to be approved faster, and allow your picture to automatically display next to your comment.
If Your Comment Does Not Appear (Patience is a Virtue): All comments are moderated and are not approved right away. Please do not submit the same comment unless you think your original comment was not submitted correctly the first time.
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It is unlawful to use or duplicate any material from this site without written approval from the owner and/or author. The use of links and excerpts are allowed as long as clear and full credit is attributed to Resumes for Children™ directing back to original content.
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